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Outsmart Your Anxiety with Jess Zuik RN

Outsmart Your Anxiety with Jess Zuik RN In-Person


Ready to leave the exhaustion and overwhelming feelings that come with anxiety behind you for good?

Join Jess Zuik, RN for a fascinating conversation about anxiety. Ms. Zuik will explain how you can heal the damage it has caused in your body, create a new road map for your nervous system, and begin to build you a toolbox of techniques to outsmart your anxiety.

When your brain starts to rationalize and negotiate the terms of your “calmness”, energy is drawn into your mind, further debilitating your body.  Hormones released at this point prevent your nervous system from calming down, and you cannot interpret and manage the thoughts that are happening in your mind or the messages your intellect is trying to convey.    

Anxiety is a vicious cycle.  

Mind races - body constricts - anxiety grows.  Repeat.  Again.  And again.

But the truth is:

You CANNOT think yourself calm.  

Your body doesn’t work that way.

Everything begins with the physical body.  This is the piece that so many anxiety-sufferers struggle with.  Managing the mind and soothing your anxiety can ONLY happen once we have befriended the body and learned to interpret its messages. Ready to learn how?

Join us on Wednesday, September 25, 2024 at Headlands Community Center (9096 Lake Overlook Drive) from 6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. to discover how to Outsmart Your Anxiety! ***Registration is required! ***

Wednesday, September 25, 2024
6:30pm - 7:30pm
Time Zone:
Eastern Time - US & Canada (change)
Headlands Community Center
  Adults     Teens  
  Lifelong Learning  
Registration has closed.

Event Organizer

Profile photo of Christina Peterson
Christina Peterson

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